新加坡科技設計大學 SUTD - 2021 年虛擬校園開放日視頻鏈結
以下是 SUTD Virtual House Tour 和相關 YouTube 視頻播放列表的鏈接。 Program: SUTD Virtual Open House 2021 YouTube Videos: SUTD Open House 2021
新加坡管理大學 (SMU) - 2022 年碩士學位最新入學要求
Good undergraduate degree. A good score in GMAT/ GRE or SMU Admissions Test* TOEFL/ IELTS is required if the medium of instruction of your undergraduate studies was not in English. It must be taken within the last 2 years at the time of submitting your
詹姆斯庫克大學 - 新加坡 - 2022年最新入學要求
The entry requirements differ from country to country and according to the applicant’s desired course of study. In general, applicants must have satisfactorily completed 12 years of schooling and appropriate English Proficiency level equating to a minimum
南洋理工大學 - 2022年不再接受英國 A Level 成績
以下是關於南大不再接受 2022-2023 年英國 A-levels 入學的最新信息。 用英國A-levels申請的學生要等多一年,申請2023-2024入學。 Here is updated information on NTU no longer accepts UK A-levels for 2022-2023 admission. Those who like to apply with UK A-levels have to wait a year and apply for 2023-2024
澳門雅思網上報名鏈接 - 2021 年9月更新
親愛的同學們, 大學申請期來了!如果您還沒有申請雅思考試,請盡快申請。 IELTS網上報名鏈接 Dear students, The University application period is coming! Please apply for your IELTS exam as soon as possible, if you have not yet already done so. IELTS Macao Application Link IELTS Exam Available